I have tried watercolor off and on through out the years, with out much success. I invested in a few instructional books, but something just didn’t click. In February of 2010 a friend offered 2 basic classes online, with a few short videos and email feedback. I purchased the paper, brushes and paints, followed the videos, completed the 1st painting, with positive feedback. I went on to the next video class, after several emails and a repaint, I was finally happy the outcome and hooked.
Watercolor has become an interesting journey. Full of interesting challenges in subject, technique and simply learning how to manage the paint and water. I feel fortunate to have been invited to joined Painting Friends Forum (http://paintingfriends.com/forums/index.php) in September of 2010. The Challenges and WIP’s (Work In Progress) postings and positive feedback have been a great inspiration.

I have been following my Muse, and she has inspired me to paint everyday. Come back soon to see where she has taken me.